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What's Next ?
When we have given our heart to Jesus many wonder where do I go from here? The bible teaches you are a new creation old things are passed away and all things are new. Today is the beginning of a new life and now ...what should I do, and how do I grow, and where do I go from here?
What should I do... You are now in a relationship with the Lord and this is where we first get to know Him. Prayer is the key to learning more about Him and He longs to spend time with you in prayer. God is a very personal God. He cares about you so much He knows everything about you as detailed as how many hairs are on you head right this minute...He is a God of love and He wants us to know Him. He sent us His love letter the Bible and the more you read the more you will grow to know Him. He has also many other believers in this world and it is needful to be connected to them because they will help you grow. The bible speaks of us needing one another often because Jesus knew we need each other for support and encouragement along the way. A church family will bring that help and encouragement to each of us. We serve an awesome wonderful God. We are so excited you have joined the family of God if we can help in anyway please let us be here for you.